Monday, January 3, 2011

Let's Bust some Myths

Dear Discovery Channel: Since we shameless advertise for your show, please feel free to send the checks to the Taller Girls. Evie received her last Christmas present today in the mail. A Mythbusters water experiment kit. We ate dinner quickly so we could get down to experimenting.
Everyone got in on the action. Is it bad that my kids know the guys on this show by name and I don't? I suppose it could be worse, they could be into something really nerdy like Lord of the Rings or Dungon and Dragons role playing....

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas presents

I bet you were hoping to see some pictures from our epic Christmas vacation trip. Well, sorry. When I left last Sunday, I forgot the camera. I asked Jim to bring it on Monday. He did, but left the memory card at home. And since this was the first trip to Bryan without a stop in the Walmart, we didn't get a new memory card. Go over to the Turner Family Blog. Becky has some pics of us posted--or will shortly as she should really get her blog updated. Today is the last day of winter break and in many ways, the last days of Christmas around here. Jim took down the outside lights on the unseasonably warm New Year's Eve when it was 60 degrees. We still have stuff up inside because I have been enjoying blobbing around in my sweat pants. Tonight was the last of the Christmas cookies. Who wants to bite the head off this gingerbread girl?
Annalise has a pretty good herd going. I'm not even sure this is all we have in the house. I think there are more hiding out in the Barbie Carriage.

Evie was giving us a magic show today. Let's just say her slight of hand isn't so slight.

Then we played some Lego Creationary. Annalise had the theme "place". None of us could guess this was a playground. She called it a "high couch". Ok.....
Evie rolls the dice for some more Lego fun. I have to say, this is a good game, but could benefit from the 10,000 Lego pieces in the basement.
Here's Evie's Magic in Action. Watch out if you come visit us soon. "It's Illusions", Aunt Becky.

Evie's First Rube Goldberg contraption

So Evie's Favorite Show is Mythbusters. We normally DVR them for her as we watch them ahead of time to make sure that there isn't any questionable or inappropriate content (like the sobering up episodes). Before Christmas, there was a special and the guys decided to build a Rube Goldberg Machine. We are big Rube Goldberg fans in this house and have spend several hours watching You Tube Videos. We are even planning a family trip up to Purdue when the state wide competition occurs this spring. Anyway, this first video is the the machine made on Mythbusters.

Evie decide that she wanted to build one in the basement. This kept her busy for almost an entire day. It was great because I was also sick with a cold that day and she was pretty much out of my hair. I did place three rules: 1. you have to use your toys 2. no pop explosions and 3. don't set the carpet on fire. Pretty simple. This is what she came up with all on her own. I think if she would have the patience, it would work without any outside assistance, but as you can see, she was well on her way.

We are wondering if we can submit this with her college application in 12 years????