Arg, Winter. My least favorite time of the year. If there was a way that I could sleep straight through January and February, I totally would. As it is, I am going to sleep extra early at night and sleeping until it's time to get Evie up for school. In fact, there are only a few things that get me through this dark, cold time (as Garrison Keilor would say--I identify with this because it was winter about 7 months of the year up there and in a way, those are still my people. I am way out of practice at snowblowing and I am embarassed about that). So here's my list of things that get me through the winter:
1. sweat suits, velour or otherwise. If you are stuck in the house all day, you might as well be comfy and have an elastic waist band.
2. NCAA mens basketball, specifically, the Big Ten. Every night there are at least 6 games on the ESPN networks and I make sure that I watch at least part of two of them. Nothing like getting to know your commentators and making fun of the low point totals. I also like to see students dressed up as Mario and Luigi. And I also like to see which college kid can be the all time Ugliest player. Right now the reignning champ is Kyle Singler from Duke. When that kid gets sweaty and mouth breathing, he is UG-LY.
3. The Gym. Seriously, the only thing that gets me dressed in the morning is my trip to the gym. You may have heard that I have committed myself to running the Indy 500 Festival Mini Marathon. That's 13.1 miles. That's about 10 more miles than I have ever run at one time in my life. But in the interest of fitness and the fact that I'm not getting any younger, I am doing this. Plus, I do have to admit that I feel a little better when I leave the gym.
4. Wine. A glass of day is recommended for heart health. And it gives me a reason to look forward to dinner. And if I go to the gym regularly, I am working it off anyway.
5. The snowblower. I still maintain that this is the best gas powered thing we have ever bought. It may have even saved our marriage when we lived in MN.
Anyway, now that I have that off my chest, I will give you the update from the last week.