Sunday, September 12, 2010

Not again!

On Thursday, we were doing the rounds in the neighborhood. After we helped out feeding some kitties and picking vegetables for our friends, we walked home. The girls were eager, as always to play with the neighbor girls who they love. The neighbor girls also have a trampoline, which I don't love but reluctantly allowed Evie to play on.

Until now.

After playing for about 15 minutes while I was making dinner, Evie showed up at the door with the neighbor girls' babysitter. She said that Evie had fallen, but didn't think Evie's arm was broken. The way Evie was carrying herself indicated immediately to me that her arm was indeed broken. So I set her up on the couch with an ice pack and finished making dinner because Jim wasn't home yet and there was no way I was taking 2 kids to the ER if I didn't have to. Evie continued to cry and complain about how much her arm hurt, so I stuffed her with some leftover pasta, turned off dinner and left Annalise with the neighbor while we went to the ER.
We were seen right away and Xrays confirmed the break of her humerus bone at the elbow. Then we were given another stern talking to about trampoline use. Evie went to the orthopedic DR on Friday and he said the break was bad enough that she will have to have surgery to have pins inserted so it will heal properly.

On Tuesday morning, she will be at Peyton Manning Children's hospital to get her pins. No word on if #18 will be scrubbing in. The surgery will be outpatient and she will only have to stay if there are complications, but the dr. doesn't foresee any. Any and all prayers, good karma, and happy thoughts would be appreciated this week, especially on Tuesday.


1 comment:

  1. Oh NO!!! How awful. I hope the surgery goes very well and that she's learned to stay off trampolines now! A broken bone always has to ruin the fun, doesn't it?
