So as soon as we got the Wells family packed up and headed west, we loaded up the station wagon for a weekend of backyard camp out fun for Grandpa's 60th birthday party. Rules were you had to sleep outside, you had to eat outside, and no showering. Fun for all!
Sweet G was loving the tire swing
The big kids were all jumping around in this jumper.
Greatest 60th Birthday party Ever!
When things started getting crazy in the jumper, Aunt Becky busted out the MInute to Win It games. Uncle Bran was hard to beat at any game, but Grandma gave him a run for his money with putting penne pasta onto a spaghetti noodle while you hold it in your mouth.
Henro spent some time alone with the leftover noodles.
I did beat most people at successfully getting a cracker from the middle of my forehead into my mouth without using my hands. Attractive and becoming picture of all of us.
Grandma and Grandpa played some corn hole. Go Buckeyes! Grandpa is wearing a shirt that says "60" and is wearing a necklace of 60 washers around his neck. He also received a posterboard with 60 cars on it, 60 ice cream bars, 60 perler bead creations, and 60 mini snickers.
Then the slip and slide came out. fun for all. Were these this small when we were young??
Annalise has been begging me to get ours out. I'm glad she got her fill at Grandma's house.
A picture with the birthday boy. All those extra kids just wandered by. Just kidding. Some of those kids belong to our family friends--the Meyers and the Bockeys. Where were the Coleman kids in this chaos??
Grandpa and his birthday cake--carrot. See Uncle Kevin, we ate a vegetable!
If the carrot cake counted as a vegetable, June had five servings of veg that day. Every time someone new would come around, she asked for a piece of cake. I think she ate 3 before we caught onto her scheme.
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