Friday, December 2, 2011

November update

So now we have family members flat out refusing to update their blogs unless we update ours.  To be quite honest, we have been busy around here.  I had a craft show on Nov 11 and 12.  More on this later, but I took lots of orders that I am trying to fill before Christmas.  Also, basketball season has started and there is a lot of nonconference play that is interesting to me.  Love watching the Butler bulldogs play the Hoosiers!  Anyway, try to get comfy on top of your toy box and read up on our month of excitement.

November 10th was our first snowfall.  Of course, the kids had to run out right away and play in the snow.  They were out in their light weight fleece jackets and caught snowflakes on their tounges for about 7 minutes.  Then they came in and asked for hot chocolate.  No dice.  If you don't even zip up your light coat, there's no chance I'm making you brown sugary milk with fluffed sugar on top.  Have a banana.

maybe you heard about our Crafty Mamas Holiday sale.  I have 10 very talented friends who displayed their works in my house for an open house and sale.  The dinning room was only the Seibert women.  Me, Mom and Becky. 

Mom's aprons sold well as did my head wraps and chunky cowls. 

The head wraps.  I was even able to take orders for about 12 more items.  This is keeping me busy until at least Christmas.

The hair acccesory table.  I sold about half of my headbands.
And some of my infant hats.  I was pleased with my overall profit.  It went to pay for my plane ticket to India.  I do have to say, if you totalled up the time I had into this, I'm probably still in the hole.  But it kept me off the streets and busy while Jim traveled for 2 1/2 months.

Everyone at the sale contributed to a raffle basket that benefited a local family who's 5 year old daughter has cancer.  We were able to raise close to $150 for them and someone won a sweet prize.

Our good friend and neighbor, Mr. Gavin became an American recently.  He is a native of the UK, but has been working, living, and raising a family in the US for quite a few years now.  I guess he wanted to be taxed WITH representation now.  Anyway, I thought this was a good Civics lesson for my kids so I pulled them out of school to take them to the fair grounds to see him sworn in as an American.

There were 191 people from 65 countries being sworn in.  Since we weren't family or anything, we stuck to the back.  We are proud of our newest American Friend.  Congrats Mr. Gav!

And then it became that time of the year.  The girls were at a Birthday party for our neighbor, Paigie.  While they were gone, we set up the Christmas tree and Jim made sure that all the lights worked.  There is a song out there called Grown up Christmas wish.  It's all about world peace and illnesses being cured and other junk like that.  My personal grown up Christmas list is that all the lights on my Christmas trees stay lit for the entire season, the kids keep their feet off each other, and no one is sick for Christmas Eve and Chistmas Day.  Is that too much to ask from Santa?  It's not world peace or anything.

The girls spent lots of time sorting and hanging their ornaments.  They all landed on three branches on the tree.  It's charming.
A Taller Thanksgiving Tradition is to make these Turkey cookies using candy corn and orange icing.  Annalise is getting pretty good.  All I had to do is pipe the beak and legs.  next year I might not have to do anything.

Another Thanksgiving tradition is the preschool Thanksgiving program.  This was our 5th year of watching kids pick their nose, cry on stage and ham it up.  Annalise is now in the oldest class in the school and they did a nice job performing.  Maybe I will upload some videos when I recover from this massive update.

This year, we celebrated Thanksgiving at Grandma and Grandpa Taller's in Cleveland.  Of course, other than eating, there was time to take the antiquites out to amaze and scare everyone.  Jim's Grandpa Koch used to be a barber.  He had some very strange equipement that was supposed to make your hair grow.  All it really did was send a mild electrical shock through your body.  Jim remembers getting the snot shocked out of him by his Grandpa.  Grandpa Seibert bravely checks this out.  We are happy to report that it didn't give him too much of a shock and we left it in Cleveland. 

Evie and Annalise and all their grandparents.  can you believe that Annalise is now as tall as Grandma Seibert?

After Thanksgiving, we recovered from our Turkey coma at the Great Lakes Science Center.  They had lots of hands on activities.  We didn't use the camera much because we were having so much fun. This is Evie working with the giant bubble wand.

Annalise and Mommy blow some big bubbles too

Evie faced her fear of falling by being strapped on a board and dropped backwards. 
Then we went out to Lorain County for the walk through Christmas light display.  WE marveled on how fast we walked through it but then we remembered that the last time we went was when Evie was 4 and Annalise was 2.  Their legs were much shorter back then and I think we had them in snowpants and boots.  This time it was much warmer and way more muddy.

Now we are back home and in the Christmas spirit.  We have most of the decor up and are thinking about cookies.  Only two more weeks until Christmas break.

Ok, Uncle Kevin and Aunt Becky.  There's your update.  See you in three weeks.

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