After approximately 1000 miles in two cars, a sick kid, 4 Christmas Parties, one baptism, a set of lost keys, and hundreds of cookies eaten, we are home.
We enjoyed a quiet and quick dinner.
The kids among the Christmas presents that exploded from the car top carrier. We will all sleep well in our beds tonight.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas Day!
Evie got up first this morning and came and woke us up. It was 6:55. Annalise was still asleep so we told Evie to go back to bed until 7:00. At 7 on the dot, she came and woke us up again (it's funny how fast you can fall back asleep) and then woke up Annalise.
They were down sorting presents by the time we got out of bed and made it downstairs.
For some reason, Evie thought it would be hilarious to give Jim a box of lint for Christmas. So this is the yield from this week's laundry.
Check out that smile! Annalise is excited to get her Barbie horse and carriage.
Evie opens another present from Santa--scrabble Flash.
Here's the least surprising present of the day. Cows for our Future Farmer. The bull is anotomically correct. Try explaining that to a 4 year old.
Evie made some presents at school for us and she gave one to Jim to open.
Amongst this brewing fight, I get to open the other one that she made at school.
More Barbies. This is definately my kid. And they are cheerleaders!
Take a closer look at the wrapping paper Evie made in school for our present. Guess they aren't doing much in the way of separation of church and state.
We also received a book from our friends up north. The 12 days of Christmas in Minnesota! We love it.
Jim opens his big present. A beer brewing kit. JIm comes from a long line of men who make alcohol in the basement so it was only a matter of time before the brewing bug bit him. The kit comes with everything to make beer execpt the bottles. So save all your pry top bottles for us! We need 53!
This was our awesome breakfast. I made the cinnamon rolls according to an ancient Sherwood, Ohio Methodist Church Lady recipe. Jim made the eggs Benedict and holidase sauce from scratch. It was pretty filling and we didn't eat lunch until around 2 pm.
When all the stuff was removed from its packaging, we got down to playing. Annalise can really keep herself busy. I think if you look closely, there is a calf in that carriage.
Evie busts out her circut kit or "engineering kit" as she calls it. You can make 300 things with this and she is already through 20 of them.
Unfortunately, we also got a sick kid for Christmas. Evie seems to have her yearly case of croup. I even called the dr. today because I was wondering if we should get her an antibiotic. The dr said no to the Rx and to keep her away from all elderly and babies. So she is stuck at home with Jim for a few days while she heals. Annalise and I are heading to Ohio for the beginning of the trianglar family Christmases. You never know what happens around the holidays. We could be back home with Jim and Evie on Monday. Cross your fingers that Annalise isn't a carrier.
Merry Christmas
From our family to yours, across the hills and dales, lakes and rivers, mountains and valleys, oceans and streams.....
(Nothing like taking the family picture when all of us are clean and dressed for church )
In some homes, families make birthday cakes for the Baby Jesus. We start the day with this particularly uplifting song from the 80's. Enjoy.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Return to Sender
So today we returned sweet Baby Georgie (by the way, I hope she doesn't marry anyone with the last name of Brown because then she would be Sweet Georgie Brown and that would just remind me of the Harlem Globetrotters) to her Ohio kin for the start of her worldwide tour of first Christmas. We did have lots of fun with her despite the fact that she slept like a normal 4 month old who was away from her nursing mom. One thing is for certain, we will all sleep well tonight. Her Grandma Cooper probably won't.
Here are some pics I captured on the phone. That's why they are the greatest quality but you can clearly see how happy a baby she is and how much fun we had being around her. Evie loved on her a lot and even got good at feeding her bottles. We never did get a chance to teach Evie to change diapers.
Aunt Becky sent all her most embarassing holiday clothes and we took the opportunity to dress her up like a little elf.
On Monday, I was feeling brave so I loaded all three kids in the back of the grocery getter and we went down to the Indiana State Museum. There, they have an old train that used to run in the L.S.Ayres store in downtown. You could also visit Santa. Since we already have talked to Santa this season, the big kids took a spin on the train and then we explored the rest of the musuem.
Georgie rode in the sling and I got lots of looks from parents and nice comments from grandma types about how cute she was.
We started walking around the displays and realized that this isn't really a super fun museum for kids, but it did really go over Indiana history in detail including this varsity jacket from Bobby Plump of the Milan Miracle team of 1954. You probably know the story better as the Gene Hackman version of Hoosiers (cue the music!) We also learned that one of our favorite authors, Norman Bridwell of Clifford fame has ties to Indiana.
Evie's Teeth

We went to the dentist today. All of us checked out with no cavities. Evie had her first whole head scan to make sure that there are adult teeth growing in behind those baby teeth. They are all there and developing, but some look like they will be pretty crunched in there. We are taking orthodontist recommendations as well as donations.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Our weekend
Friday started Evie's winter break from school. Annalise had her holiday party at school and Evie and I attended. Evie participated in the rousing circle of Reindeer Hokey Pokey.
They were shaking their antler's all about.
Then we had a quiet afternoon at home and that night, we curled up as a family with the Legos.
We had a bug making night. I am particularly proud of my blue mosquito.
On Saturday, I met Aunt Becky at the Warm Glow Candle outlet to pick up Georgiana. We will have her until at least Thursday while Aunt Becky and Uncle Bran run back down to SC to take care of some business.
After a long, long night of waking up every hour (GEORGIE), we awoke to a beautiful morning fog that left crystals on all the trees.
It was pretty, but not pretty enough for us to skip Georgie's morning nap and get a few more winks. The kids were left with the TV and they did ok.
This is a rare sight at our house. Georgie doesn't like to sleep very much. Thank goodness Annalise's poor sleep habits have broken us in for this kid's visit.
We did find a place that made her happy--under the Christmas tree with some company.
After a long, long night of waking up every hour (GEORGIE), we awoke to a beautiful morning fog that left crystals on all the trees.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Rainbow Brite dresses herself
Annalise definately has opinions on what she wants to wear. It usually involves one of her 2 favorite dresses and tights. Well, yesterday she wore one of them, she calls it Rose. Today she choose to wear the other favorite dress. I like to call this ROY G. BIV. Get it?
I insisted that she wear leggins instead of tights because it was only 2 degrees out this morning. The flowered yellow sweater and the striped socks are all her own doing. You can't see it, but she is also wearing a hand me down pigtail with a scarf of pink,orange and purple on the back of her head. Then, when it was time to load up for school, she decided that she needed to wear her too small pink patten leather flowered boots also. You can definately hear her coming today.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Sunday Snow
So we had to leave Archbold early this morning because of the developing snow storm. We even skipped out on Grandma free haircuts in favor of getting home and not trapped on the highway. We made it safely out of Ohio and once we were south of Ft. Fun, we had clear roads. The snow did hit once we made it home and by 4 pm we had a couple of inches. Evie and Annalise went out to play.
Guess what this is?
Answer, part of the 24 snow angels in my yard. Cuties.
And, if you haven't seen it, this is the video of the Metrodome in Mlps collapsing. Wow. It looks like a lot of snow. It was the heaviest blizzard in 20 years. But with all that, I bet those kids don't have a school delay. Tonight, at 6 pm, the automated call came in that my kids have a 2 hour delay for 2 inches. I think it's time to get back to MN where people are hardy. My kids are going to be winter whimps.
And, if you haven't seen it, this is the video of the Metrodome in Mlps collapsing. Wow. It looks like a lot of snow. It was the heaviest blizzard in 20 years. But with all that, I bet those kids don't have a school delay. Tonight, at 6 pm, the automated call came in that my kids have a 2 hour delay for 2 inches. I think it's time to get back to MN where people are hardy. My kids are going to be winter whimps.
Seibert Christmas Party
The annual Seibert Family Christmas party took place this weekend. We left the house early on Saturday and made two quick stops before we got "on the road". One for donuts--yum. and the other stop to pick up Marin and her presents and wedge her into the backseat of the car between two booster seats. She was a good sport and watched lots of school house rock. I bet she knows all about adverbs now.
The long standing tradition is that one grandchild reads the the Birth of Jesus before we dig into presents. This has been happening for a long time. I think it may have started in 87 with my cousin, Amy. I read in 88. Since then, we have been through all the grandchildren and are working our way through the great grandchildren. This year was Evie's turn and she did a good job reading slowly and loud.
Then the present opening madness began. I heard someone say that they wanted to have the kids do it one at a time, but that just didn't happen. Paper flew everywhere.
Natalie admires Annalise's new Polly Pockets.
Evie then wrapped herself up for Great Grandpa. Funny, he forgot to take her home....
Here's the other part of the room. It was nice to have the comfy couches to sit on.
Then it was time for the posed pictures. Someone said all the "kids". Marin is the youngest of the grandchildren and all the rest are great grandchildren. The two adults have future grandchildren in the oven due next summer.
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