Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Annalise's first day of preschool

Today is Annalise's first day of preschool. She was super excited to go and be with her friends instead of hang out with mom and do boring things like laundry or going to Meijer.
She chose her outfit. A change at the last minute from her favorite multicolored dress.
We decided to ride to school since it was a nice 60 degree morning for a change. Besides, mom couldn't go anywhere fun since she had to come home and wait for the dishwasher repair man. Cleaning bathrooms and dusting. What a great way to start the school year. Almost as good as that massage I had planned before the dishwasher broke.
She rode pretty fast!
And when we got there, I don't even think she said goodbye. Definitely no kisses or hugs. Just straight into school.

1 comment:

  1. Um - the massage sounds better. Hope the dishwasher was repaired. She's getting so big! She looks so wonderful and excited! Tell her I love the dress!
