Friday, July 8, 2011

Grandpa's Birthday party day 2

Once we all rolled out of our tents and shook off the effects of the Tylenol pm, things got crazy again. Uncle Kevin! You will ruin your teeth drinking all that Coke!
We tie dyed t-shirts for the gang (and Grandpa's underpants--but you don't want to see a picture of that, do you?) What are we going to do when we get another kid running around this fall?? It's time to finish the basement, Grandma and Grandpa!

We said we were going to have a 6.0 k fun run in honor of Grandpa's birthday. Because we were so full of cake, potato salad, and grilled meats, we never made it. That didnt' stop Aunt Becky and Uncle Bran from going for a short run. They celebrated with a hot dog embrace.

And then things really started getting silly. After I shaved Uncle Kevin's head pretty short (it was time, UK), I gave Uncle Bran a mohawk. All college professors should sport a mohawk.

I think he's looking pretty good, but I heard that Grandma "cleaned him up" before he headed back to Dixie.

Guess who didn't want a mohawk or even to get her hair cut? she needed it though because the pool really does a number on your hair.

In the backyard, we tried to see how many monkeys will fit in a baby pool.

And what's a weekend without some work. At about 9:30 the night before, Grandpa's dead ash trees were cut down by some of the party goers. That just left Oliver with a big mess to clean up the next day. Good thing Uncle Kevin and Grandpa were there to help him.

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