Monday, December 12, 2011

The Seibert Christmas

Not sure if you have heard me shout from the rooftops, but the Taller family is staying home this Christmas. That includes all the days leading up to Christmas and all the days following Christmas.  The whole darn vacation we are going to be home and sleeping in our own beds.  Instead, this year, all the family is coming to us.  We did have to make one last appearance in NWO this season.  Maybe we will come back when the ground thaws again. 
We drove up to NWO to visit my grandparents.  We had lunch with Grandma Wagner.  Then we went to Mass and hit the jackpot with a live nativity following mass (including shepards with real sheep and Mary riding in on a donkey).  We rounded out our weekend with some playtime with the Seibert kids and then the grand finale of the time honored SEIBERT CHRISTMAS.

This year, it was Natalie's turn to read the Christmas story.  She did a great job.

Annalise and Marin were paying close attention.

Then the paper started flying. 

Evie is very excited to grow her own crystals.  The lego set was put together in an instant.

I brought a craft project called Bendaroos. They are basically waxy pipecleaners.  This did keep the kiddos busy for most of the afternoon.

And this kid with the Kool Aid mustache had fun with her new playdough set.

All the fun came to an end and we had to drive back home.  And then the sugar crash happened.  We all took naps on the way home.  IT was a fun weekend.

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